Lifted Geek goes to Rose City Comic Con 2013 — Lifted Geek
Lifted Geek goes to Rose City Comic Con 2013

Lifted Geek goes to Rose City Comic Con 2013

RCCC cover.jpg

Written by: Riri (@lillyums

Rose City Comic Con had its 2nd annual comic con in Portland this year at the Oregon State Convention Center on September 21&22.  I didn’t know it was actually their 2nd year of running RCCC! But what I did know was that this comic con was organized in collaboration with Emerald City Comic Con, which gave me a positive feeling about how this convention would turn out.  It was a 2 day event, and both days were really great; while it was small, the community at RCCC was very tight knit. There were well known cosplayers of the cosplay community including RikkuGrape, Ani-Mia, Miss Sinister, and many others! Even Jesse Lagers from SyFy’s Heroes of Cosplay was in attendance with his Midnight Armor booth. Cosplay in America made his way to this con to continue to add more content to his next epic cosplay book! There were also celebrity guests in attendance including David Giuntoli (Grimm), John DiMaggio (Futurama, Adventure Time), Jewel Staite (Firefly, Serenity), and others. I really see RCCC having a lot of potential to grow into something bigger in the near future.  Anyway, check out my two day highlights from the weekend!

Riri with Echo Chernik

The Exhibitor’s Hall made efficient use of space, with a section for Autographs and PhotoOps, a Kid’s Zone, Table Top Gaming zone, the Artists Alley (both professional and local), and an Arcade zone! We met a number of extremely talented artists and were able to interview a few.  Among them were Echo Chernik, Uniko Ideas, and Espionage Cosmetics.  We were also able to meet other amazing artists but didn’t get a chance to interview them :( To spotlight them here, Prince spoke with Dustin Nguyen, best known for his Batman: Li’l Gotham comics, and Matt Fraction, best known for his Thor, Fantastic Four, Hawkeye, and many other comics. Overall, the exhibitor's hall not much different than your typical comic con, except this one is smaller, and was able to fit everything in one gigantic room but yet very organized. Here are some photos of the show floor.

Light Sabers!


the arcade

Table Top Gaming 

They even had a tattoo booth, Infinity Tattoo!! I managed to take a picture of a girl getting the Survey Corps logo from Attack on Titan tattooed onto her back!

The cosplay was in FULL SWING at RCCC.  Nerds, geeks, comic enthusiasts from all other came dressed as their favorite characters. Even Prince and I were dressed as Booker and Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite.  There were so many amazing cosplays, and even a larger number of children were dressed up as well which was so super cute!! There was also a Cosplay Contest on Day 1, which Prince and I entered too like on impulse.   We didn't win, but we did initially get selected as top 5 BEFORE the contest even started, which was kind of weird and unexpected...then the rules changed (which made more sense) but then we weren't selected anymore :(  BUT that is ok, and I think we did great for our first time.

User from Facebook! If you took this photo, let us know and we will credit you!

The cosplay contest was organized into several categories: Kids 12 and under, Villains, Heroes, Other, and TV/Movies/Games.  The TV/Movies/Games category was the largest category, which was what Prince and I were in for our Bioshock Infinite cosplay.  There were SO many cosplays! Check out our cosplay roundup from this event here.  Otherwise, we do have full coverage of the cosplay contest, stay tuned for that! Here are a few cosplays so we have something awesome to look at for a few seconds...

Link's Blue Fairy & Spider Man

Cute Little Rogue!

Characters from the movie "9"

Batgirl and Wonder Woman


We attended one panel on Day 1, which was to see David Giuntoli, the main star from Grimm. Not a whole lot of new information for season 2, except for this teaser he gave, “Let’s just say, zombies do things they aren’t suppose to do.” >.<  There was the usual one on one chat with the host, and a Q&A afterwards.  Lauren (our videographer), her mother, and I did get a chance to take a photo with him on Day 2 at the Photo-Op.  SQUEEE!!! 

David Giuntoli

Aside from David Giuntoli, our next highlight was the opportunity to interview the wonderful Ani-Mia on Day 2.  She had interviewed me and my boyfriend at Sakura Con 2012 for the Cosplay Nation Documentary, so I figured, “Hey it’s only fair if I can interview you for Lifted Geek!” and so it was done :) Stay tuned for our full interview as well!

Ani-Mia and Riri

For being just a 2nd year con, RCCC was incredibly organized, well staffed, and well managed. The staff was incredibly helpful and knowledgeable.  The entire convention space was also being shared with one or two other conventions going on from what I could see… smaller, more business related conventions I think, but RCCC was by far the most active and social convention in the building.  Overall, this convention has great potential and I definitely would love to attend again next year.   


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