Artist of the Week Episode 1: Monkey Minion Press — Lifted Geek
Artist of the Week Episode 1: Monkey Minion Press

Artist of the Week Episode 1: Monkey Minion Press

crochet creatures by monkey minion press!

crochet creatures by monkey minion press!

We interviewed several artists at Kumoricon 2013 on Day 1 over Labor Day weekend and this is our first Artist Spotlight from the convention!  Meet Dane Ault! He owns Monkey Minion Press with his wife; together they offer the best in "FULL-FRONTAL NERDITY," from crocheted goods to geeky greeting cards.  You may have seen a few of his propaganda artwork around too.  His greeting cards are also absolutely hilarious, and is perfect for the geek.  Heck, I'd buy one for myself just cuz! Or give one to my geeky lover, or best friend, or anyone! His wife also crochets the cute little characters as shown in the main image above - isn't that just adorbs??

Check out as Dane describes more about his work and showcases what he and his wife has for all you geeks!  All links are listed at the end of this article including his store!

Visit the Monkey Minion store, like the page on Facebook, follow their Twitter, and follow his  Tumblr!

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