(cos)WED: Sisters Collectors as Mortal Kombat — Lifted Geek
(cos)WED: Sisters Collectors as Mortal Kombat

(cos)WED: Sisters Collectors as Mortal Kombat

Written by Riri (@lillyums)

We have a unique feature of this week’s Cosplay Wednesday! With the permission of the Sister’s Collectors’ mom, Sarah, we are featuring her daughter (and sisters and cousins) who are cosplaying from Mortal Kombat. Mortal Kombat on the SNES was literally my exposure to gaming when I was younger, and I certainly resonate with these young girls when they love Mortal Kombat enough to cosplay it. In case you’re not with the gaming scene, this is a fantasy-horror theme fighting game with a reputation for its finishing moves at the end of a match (Fatality, Brutality, etc). Sarah’s daughter is cosplayed as Jade in the photos with her sisters and cousin as Sonya, Kitana, Scorpion, and Subzero - here’s what else she had to say! All photos were taken by Sarah.

1. How long have you been cosplaying?
I am a beginner

2. Why did you choose to cosplay this character?
I love Mortal Kombat. My sisters and cousins were Mortal Kombat characters this Halloween.

3. How long did it take you to complete?
Not very long! I will give credit to my mom who made me and my sister’s cosplay.

4. Any difficulties when constructing the costume?
My mom made the costume of Jade and it took her 2 days to make it. She did a great job!

5. What do you love most about cosplaying this character?
The costume and portraying my character.

6. Where did you debut this costume? If you haven't... where do you plan to debut?
I wore it for Halloween costume contest on 10.27.18 and our Mortal Kombat group won.

We love seeing family cosplaying together and seeing parents support cosplay with their children more and more these days. Great job, Sarah, for making their cosplay! All the cosplayers look amazing!

Interested in being featured for Cosplay Wednesday? Please follow the instructions in the link below.

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